Pediatric Emergency Medicine (PEM)

In the Cook County Pediatric ED, residents gain knowledge of the evaluation, management, and treatment of a wide range of pediatric diseases. Our pediatric patient volume is robust and allows residents to become comfortable managing multiple sick children simultaneously. Our department is staffed by numerous renowned Pediatric EM faculty, and pediatric intensivists and specialists are available at all hours to assist with the stabilization of acutely ill pediatric patients.

our faculty

George Paul, MD

Director, Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Tatyana Kagan, Md

Clinical Faculty

ALISA McQueen, Md

Clinical Faculty



Pediatric Emergency Medicine at county

Our PGY1 residents rotate through the Cook County Hospital pediatric emergency department for one month, gaining early exposure to common pediatric diseases under the supervision of our Pediatric EM faculty. Throughout the four years of training, residents longitudinally work pediatric shifts at Cook County Hospital to keep medical knowledge fresh. PGY1 residents also complete Labor and Delivery at Northwestern Medicine’s Prentice Women’s Hospital where they are exposed to perinatal medicine and resuscitation.

Later in training, our PGY2 residents rotate at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago’s Streeterville neighborhood. As the primary pediatric receiving hospital in the state of Illinois, residents are exposed to more complex pediatric pathology in a rigorous academic environment. Additionally, our PGY3 and PGY4 residents rotate at Comer Children’s Hospital in Chicago’s Hyde Park neighborhood, where senior residents are expected to manage the most critically ill medical and trauma patients who present.


