Didactic Curriculum

Residents participate in four hours of didactic conference each week on Tuesday morning, supplemented by one hour of asynchronous learning. Topics include case conferences in trauma, toxicology, cardiology, ultrasound, orthopedics, and critical care. Residents present a 30-minute grand rounds lecture on an emergency medicine topic of their choice during their PGY4 year. National and regional speakers are regularly invited to speak on topics ranging from the politics of healthcare to advanced airway techniques. Grand rounds guest lectures present monthly. Spirited Morbidity and Mortality conferences are held twice monthly to review the medical chart, clinical errors, optimal management, and clinical pearls to improve patient management.


The residency uses a collection of readings from various resources, including Tintinalli, CorePendium (EMRAP), and FOAMed resources. Small group sessions are held monthly to review the material using flipped classroom methodology.

Special Courses

Our annual special courses allow residents to refine their skills to become masters of emergency scenarios. Labs include a resuscitation course, pediatric resuscitation course, orthopedics course, cric practice, fiberoptic skills, and more!



Journal clubs occur monthly and serve as a forum for residents to learn to review and critically evaluate the latest EM literature. 


Monthly sessions are held in the program's own Simulation Training Center. The facility utilizes four high-fidelity mannequins and numerous task trainers. There are also annual adult and pediatric simulation courses held for the residents.


Several times monthly, residents are broken up into small groups to learn through oral boards cases. We use the Foundations of Emergency Medicine curriculum throughout all four years to discuss basic and advanced EM topics. Small group sessions also cover other topics, including radiology, EKGs, ultrasound, financial planning, wellness, and more.



Residents participate in a number of procedural workshops on orthopedic injuries, advanced suturing, and plastic wound closure techniques. ATLS procedures are practiced in cadaver labs with faculty annually.


We provide annual oral board examination preparation with faculty, including both single cases and triple cases.